CAT | Live

In the middle of this long pause we’re taking, some recording from our previous sessions came up from the crates, so we decided that it’s time to recap what has been done by JMM crew, till now.

Just Music Makers – Session
#01 (25/11/2009)

For our first event we guested the fascinating modern electro producer Annie Hall from Madrid and the upcoming local talent Vaghe Stelle.

Words: Review (Italian) / Review (English)
Sounds: Annie Hall Live Set / Vaghe Stelle Live Set / passEnger+xluve Live Set

Just Music Makers – Session #
02 (23/06/2010)

Proper second JMM event with two of our London’s favorite producers: Plant43 and Jo Johnson, of Ai, Semantica, Further Records fame.

Words: Review (Italian) / Review (English)
Sounds: Plant43 Live Set / Jo Johnson Live Set / passEnger+xluve Live Set

Just Music Makers – Session #03 (18/12/2010)

A night dedicated to Eclipsemusic record label, featuring live sets from the label’s artists (Decoside, Edanticonf, passEnger+xluve) and to the intersection between contemporary dance and live electronic music thanks to Karma Dance Project.

Words: Article (Italian) / Article (English)
Audio not available

Just Music Makers – Session #
04 (13/01/2011)

Almost a dream come true, Detroit legendary producer Gerald Mitchell (Underground Resistance, Los Hermanos) finally in town for a dj/live set.

Words: Article (Italian)
Sounds: Gerald Mitchell dj/live set

Just Music Makers – Session #
05 (05/04/2011)

A special session dedicated to the life and music of Sun Ra: we screened the cult movie “Space Is The Place” and hosted a specially dedicated live set from Ra.H / Morphosis.

Words: Article (Italian) / Article (English)
Sounds: Ra.H / Morphosis Live Set

Just Music Makers – Session #
06 (22/04/2011)

Session dedicated to some Italian favorite: the 16 years old vintage prodigy Furtherset and the advanced-idm audio/video group Riga.

Words: Article (Italian) / Article (English)
Sounds: Riga Live Set / Furtherset Live Set

Just Music Makers – Session #
07 (20/07/2011)

A lovely deep Techno night with one of our italian favorite, Edanticonf, and a wonderfully shaped emotional set by one of our heroes, Nick Dunton aka 65d Mavericks.

Words: Article (Italian)
Sounds: 65d Mavericks Live Set / Edanticonf Live Set

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Just Music Makers returns for a special event; ‘This is Not London’, a mini festival co-produced together with small but fierce underground realities of our hometown, each one showcasing its talents.

China Surprise with its djs, Unstable Compound / Eclipsin live act, Old and Yound Records djs and JMM residents passEnger + xluve.

Main guest will be the one and only Detroiter future funk prodigy JIMMY EDGAR!

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Just Music Makers session 5 is here!

Two months after the awesome performance GERALD MITCHELL gave us in january, JMM is back.

This time, a night dedicated to Sun Ra: projection of “Space is the Place“, the 1974 classic movie featuring the great jazz musician, and Ra.H/Morphosis playing live.

Tuesday 5th April, at Blah Blah, in Torino: expect some other wordly visual/sonic experience!


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RAI Nuova Musica / The Future Sound Of Classical is an interesting appointment dedicated to the juxtaposition of contemporary classical and electronic music,
Started in 2010 by the National Symphonic Orchestra and Xplosiva Association, RAI Nuova Musica takes place in the wonderful RAI Auditorium in Torino, Italy.
Its programme usually includes a series of contemporary classical pieces performed by the RAI National Orchestra and a performance by an electronic music act. The latter usually performs a classic dj/live set and a live reworking of one of the pieces performed the same night. It’s a rare occasion in which the two worlds really can get in touch.

Me and Marco (passEnger + xluve) have been invited to perform at RAI Nuova Musica on Feb. 4th, 2011, and we delivered a special live set, in between broken rhythms, ambient/idm-ish sequences and weird machine-driven improvisations.

passEnger + xluve Live @ RAI Nuova Musica | Auditorium RAI, Torino, Italy (Feb. 4th, 2011)

In addition to the live set we were asked to rework a selected piece performed that same evening: ‘The Hague Hacking’ for two pianos and big ensemble, written by Dutch composer Louis Andriessen.

Performed by RAI National Orchestra, featuring Katia and Marielle Labècque at pianos and directed by Frank Ollu, The Hague Hacking is a beautiful, complex, 20′ piece that we reworked live using the audio from the rehearsal recorded the same morning.

Enjoy the results!

passEnger + xluve – Live Rework of ‘The Hague Hacking’ by Louis Andriessen

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We are really proud to announce our guest for the next Just Music Makers night… Gerald Mitchell!


Here we are again, finally!
JUST MUSIC MAKERS session #3 finally took its shape…

“Eclipse at the Cube”

Home to big events like the ‘Club To Club’ and ‘Movement’ Festivals, Torino has still got room to host smaller events and push alternative ways to showcase electronic music.

At JMM, our night dedicated to the underground and stimulating side of electronic music, we always try hard, guesting electro live acts in museums or jamming machine-driven techno in rock clubs.

This time JMM discovers the intersections between live electronic music and classical/contemporary dance, hosting a clash of arts in a new, dark venue, aptly named ‘The Cube’.

After having hosted cult and underground acts like Annie Hall, Plant43, Jo Johnson and Vaghe Stelle, the new session is dedicated to the deep side of Techno, with the Turin-based label Eclipsemusic showcasing its artists and new releases.
On the music side we have the new signing to Eclipsemusic, the Barcelona based Edanticonf, plus the label’s deep/tech act Rob.Bardini, Decoside, passEnger+xluve (invited to play at december’s Bleep43 along Surgeon, Dj Pete and Donato Dozzy) and the label’s boss Francesco Stella.
On the dance side, the Paris company Karma Dance Project will perform specific choreographies to some soon-to-be published tracks from the label.

This experimental project will bring together music and dance so that each art form enhances and complements the other, making for a unique experience that will both resonate and captivate the audience..

See you in the Cube!

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Nel terzo millennio le parole chiave, anche in musica, sembrano essere quelle che richiamano il ‘collettivo’, la ‘condivisione, la ‘cooperazione’, insomma, le ‘cose fatte insieme’.

Così come è fuor di dubbio che oggi le tecnologie possano permettere alla musica elettronica di nascere nel luogo più lontano rispetto ai posti votati alla condivisione, ovvero nelle camerette davanti ad un laptop, immaginando un mondo virtuale che man mano prende forma attraverso la musica.
Una volta che la musica è pronta, però, si esce fuori e si parte alla conquista degli spazi reali, che siano club, piazze o gallerie d’arte.

Molto vicino alla filosofia di Just Music Makers, il prossimo weekend (4-5 Dicembre) a Torino si terrà un mini festival/happening dove si vedranno i risultati di questo paradosso di creazione solipsista e contemporanea condivisione allargata: TACUMA! è l’occasione per far sì che questi artisti si incontrino, si esibiscano fianco a fianco al di là dei singoli generi musicali e che provino liberamente l’esperienza di condividere il proprio percorso, la propria tecnica, la propria sensazione con gli altri.
Questo è un evento in cui, appunto, estro e creatività andranno in scena sotto una luce differente, quella della condivisione. Ogni partecipante si esibisce in uno degli spazi creati ad hoc al Café Liber, un palco da concerti, un dancefloor e una sala oscura che darà spazio all’immaginario creato dai visuals.

Nella prima serata (sabato 4 Dicembre) gli artisti suoneranno le proprie creazioni; alcuni interventi performativi prevedono inoltre l’utilizzo di sensori, di apparati audio/video e di strumenti di manipolazione sonora (Reactable).
La giornata di domenica 5 Dicembre verrà proposta una versione inedita di ‘jam session’ collettiva, che coinvolgerà una decina di musicisti di diversa estrazione, i quali contribuiranno ad una sorta di orchestra elettronica.
Il frutto delle jam session sarà registrato e in seguito pubblicato su Chew-Z in libero download.

I background dei musicisti coinvolti nella prima edizione sono i più disparati: dai producer coinvolti nel night clubbing cittadino emergente agli affermati rappresentanti della nuova elettronica, dai manipolatori di avanzati strumenti elettronici agli ensemble di musica elettro-acustica.


Abbiamo rivolto alcune domande a Fabio Battistetti, curatore del festival.

Ciao Fabio, parlaci di ‘Tacuma!’. Come è nata l’idea?
L’idea è stata di Fabio (Cafè Liber), che l’ha poi condivisa con me. Io non mi sono tirato indietro perchè, pur non essendo uno scenester, ho sempre voglia di mettere assieme musicisti di diversa estrazione con differenti obbiettivi in una medesima sitauzione. Torino è indubbiamente una piazza importante per la musica elettronica e mi piaceva l’idea di mostrare il tessuto che c’è sotto a molti successi, la rete di musicisti è molto più vasta di quel che vedi in un club normalmente.

Quindi qual è l’obiettivo del festival?
Mettere assieme i musicisti sotto uno stesso tetto, vedere come producono, come si esibiscono e farli dialogare tra loro e con il pubblico. Qui c’è la possibilià di farlo, perchè vorrei che l’atmosfera del festival fosse la più informale possibile, e la scelta dei luoghi di esibizione va in questo senso perchè non saremo né in un club, né in un locale da concerti, né in una galleria d’arte.
Ma soprattutto sono molto curioso di sentire cosa verrà fuori dalla jam session domenicale, che per me sarà il cuore del festival.

Perchè ‘tacuma’?
Vuol dire “attacchiamo” in piemontese e applicato all’era della computer music ci sta benissimo. E al tempo stesso ha anche un po’ di spirito rock’n'roll.. one, two, tree, four!



TACUMA!  4-5 Dicembre presso Cafè Liber, Corso Vercelli 2, Torino.

Per tutti i dettagli e l’elenco degli artisti rimandiamo alla pagina ufficiale:

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Before the review of the night, we would like to congratulate the guests of session # 1 for their recent exploits: Annie Hall has been called to perform at Sonar, and Vaghe Stelle just played at Dissonanze. Good results for them and great satisfaction for us.


The second episode of JMM was held on June 23rd in the wonderful area called “Cortile della Farmacia” at the Museum of Natural Sciences of Turin.

For this occasion we were honored by the presence of two British artists which fit perfectly with the JMM sonic and personal attitude: Plant43 and Jo Johnson. New generation electronic artists, they gather inspiration from the classic world of Techno and Electro stretching those blueprint with newer sonic aesthetics and deep personal sensibility. They also co-founded the Bleep43 resource, whose events hosted artists like Surgeon, Dj Pete, Dj Stingray, Derrick May, Omar S, Convextion, Legowelt and many others.
Simplicity, attention to details and deep immersion into personal and uncompromising worlds were the keys to their live set.

To complete the line up, Branda J opened the night building a tight and personal path with hiphop instrumentals and electronic rhythms from the new generations; then Marco and me (passEnger+xluve) introduced the guests with our machine-driven live set.

Here you can find some videos and pics on the night plus the recording of the three live sets, freely downloadable.

/// Plant43

Download: Plant43 Live @ JMM (right click + save as)

Emile Facey, from London, has published record on cult labels such as Ai Records, Semantica and Cultivated Electronics (Myspace | Discogs).

His live set has been appreciated for its intensity and intransigence, thanks to a cohesive and articulate musical path, built around complex electronic architectures and deep visionariety.

/// Jo Johnson

Download: Jo Johnson Live @ JMM (right click + save as)

Jo Johnson (Myspace), from London as well, caught the listeners with a smooth but intense live set, built around lyrical melodies and emotional urgency, without losing the focus on groove effectiveness.

/// passEnger + xluve

Download: passEnger & xluve Live @ JMM (right click + save as)

An extract from our new live set, more hardware machines and improvisation than usual, same cross-genre pollination as usual.

The youtube channel where to find every JMM video is here: Just Music Makers | Youtube

Thanks to all the supporters, see you next session!

/// JMM

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